Staking DDDXdou
Converting your DDDX tokens or your veNFT into DDDXdou and staking it on Double Club for rewards.
Remember, this process is irreversible. You will not be able to convert DDDXdou back into DDDX tokens using Double Club, although there may be liquid markets to trade DDDXdou back into DDDX.
Navigate to the "Convert DDDX" tab.
2. Pick "veNFT" or "DDDX Token".
3. Select your "veNFT" or enter the quantity of DDDX tokens you would like to convert to DDDXdou. If it is your first time using the platform, you will have to approve your veNFT/DDDX tokens for use with the contract by pressing the "Approve" button. After that transaction has confirmed, you can press the "Convert NFT" or "Convert Tokens" button to convert your DDDX to DDDXdou.
4. After having converting your veNFT or DDDX tokens into DDDXdou, you can then proceed to stake them stake them on DoubleClub.