Getting started
Getting started on Double Club is extremely simple. All you need is a cryptocurrency wallet like Metamask, to interact with the dAPP. Because DoubleClub is on BNB Chain(Binance Smart Chain, BSC) you will need some $BNB to execute transactions, because BNB is used to pay gas fees. Please ensure that you have a balance of BNB on your digital or hardware wallet that you plan to use on DoubleClub.
If you do not have any BNB you will need to purchase some from a centralized cryptocurrency exchange that serves your region or from decentralized exchanges, like PancakeSwap.
Once you and your wallet are ready, go to Double.Club, enter the app and connect your wallet to get started!
When you go to Double.Club enter the app and click "Connect Wallet", you will see a list of wallet options to choose from. To keep it simple, this guide will show you how to set up a MetaMask wallet and get the Metamask extension on your desktop.
Head over to
Download and install the MetaMask version compatible with your browser.
After it finished downloading, click "Get Started".
4. Click "Create a Wallet."
5. Agree or disagree to information collection.
6. Create your password (You won't need a username!).
7. You will be given your backup phrase, also known as your "private key," which is made up of 12 words. It is good practice to write this down somewhere safe and never show or tell anyone these words. Anyone who has this phrase can access your assets and do as they please with them. So don't ever give it to anyone!
8. Congratulations, your wallet has successfully been created! Your account number or wallet address will look something like this: 0x8Df5694Fd31D6Ec9EFcCE80E48d791C0c64899f4 or as seen in the photo below: 0x8Df...99f4. If you click on this number (abbreviated below "Account 1"), your computer will automatically copy the address.
9. As you might have noticed that we're connected to the "Ethereum Mainnet" not to "BNB Chain". To simplify the process you can automatically connect to the BNB Chain. If you don't have BNB Chain on your MetaMask, please refer to "Connecting MetaMask to Binance Smart Chain". Than you can switch network to "BNB Chain"(Binance Smart Chain, BSC).
Congratulations, you have successfully connected your MetaMask wallet to the BNB Chain🎉!